Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Weiner-Gate, The Sequel

Oh Anthony Weiner. Why must you continue to give the world more reasons to turn their attention towards you. Oh, right cuz you're an attention whore. And on a grand scale, might I add. With a last name like "Weiner", it's not like the kid ever had a chance to begin with, but the way he keeps finding his way into the spotlight is really quite amazing. As you'll recall, he got caught sexting random women in 2011 and had to resign from Congress. He entered "rehab" and his wife agreed not to leave him and take half. In hindsight, she made the wrong decision. During his exile they had a son and supposedly worked on their marriage. He announced his political comeback earlier this year and decided to run for Mayor of New York. He was doing quite well in that bid until yesterday when he held a press conference to confess to the same bad behavior that had gotten him into trouble previously. But this time there was a twist - he had his wife step up to the podium to defend him and try to salvage his campaign. Did it work? I guess we'll see come November. But I may just have to move if my fellow New Yorkers turn out to be stupid enough to vote for somebody who has the judgement and impulse control of a third grader. This man sexted random women, got caught, went into some kind of treatment and said throughout his campaign this year that everything that happened was "behind" him, knowing full well that he was STILL doing the same crap. He had to have known it would all come out again. Lightning does indeed strike twice when the person being struck is worthy of it. I know a lot of people who are trying to separate this from his run for Mayor but it is not a separate issue at all. How is it that he was unfit to be a Congressman the first time this happened but now he IS still fit to be the Mayor of a city? What is there to suggest that he is capable of making good decisions? Not a thing. Granted, some people make terrible decisions in their personal lives and fantastic ones professionally (myself included). But do you really wanna bank on him being one of those for the next four years? Reportedly he offered this latest sexting partner a position in his cabinet. If that's the case then he has no credibility at all left. What happens between him and his wife is their business, the only people who know the intimate details of a relationship are the people who are in it. For all we know, she could've known all along about this or they could have an open relationship, or she could be getting something in return for standing by him. We'll ever know any of that and all of that is for them to work out amongst themselves. I'm not as, "his poor wife" as everyone else is because SHE is the one making the choice to stick around. For me, once trust is gone or someone has cheated, that's pretty much it. I don't care how much they repent. But she made her bed. She chose to march on up to the podium and defend him (again). And New Yorkers will choose whether or not to buy that this was only a two-time thing that won't happen yet again if he's elected. Choose wisely, y'all.

On another note, a website has come up with a "sex scandal name" generator. And it is fantastic. Or else my name isn't Julio Cesar Jeopardy (I don't know where it got the Jeopardy part, maybe it doesn't know what to do with Latin surnames). Here are some more:

G is Jorge Stealth (Awesome)
The best friend is Pascual Violence (Appropriate given her violent streak)
R is Ricardo Scourge (Sounds very Telenovela)
E is Alberto Dynamite (Or Alby D, as we now call him)
And A is Gustavo Trouble (Apparently she's a man in her sex scandal)