Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Let Me Be Your Gospel

As you read a few days ago, I shaved a few years off of my life and lost a few brain cells by watching a full day of shark-themed programming on Sci-Fi (I refuse to call it Syfy). The reason we all watched this was because E has just started chemo and needed the escape and G had to see Sharknado after seeing how awesomely bad everyone said it was. Oh the things we do for those we love. Although, as you've seen, I am now a Sharknado believer. I now refer to scenes in that movie as if they could ever actually happen in real life, or are even scientifically plausible. And I'm not the only one.

G: I'm walking into Target and this dude says, "Excuse me! May I introduce you the the Lord?"
G: I used your line and said that we've met lol
G: Then he asks, "But are you living for the Lord, young man?"
Me: I hate when the religious folk try to sell you Jesus
G: I told him hell no. What I'm living for is Sharknado 2
Me: LOL You actually said that?
G: lol Yes. I did thank him for calling me a young man though. That was nice.
G: You know you're living for Sharknado 2!
Me: ...Nooooooooo
Me: Ok, yes.
G: lol Exactly. Another convert to the Gospel of Sharknado
Me: Amen, Brother Hammerhead
G: lol And waves be with you, Brother Tigre
G: Cuz it sounds better in Spanish