Monday, November 8, 2010

I Hear Babies Cry, I Watch Them Grow

My daughter's foray into the terrible twos has been...well, terrible. But I have learned some new stuff about her along the way. At the top of that list is that when the girl commits to a cause, she goes all in. She spends about 60% of her days in time out, which seemed like the way to discipline her in the beginning since she hates to be bored. But apparently ain't a time out corner been built that can turn her away from her defiant behavior. Bright side? I'm convinced she could actually change the world in the future if the opportunity presented itself on the right day (and if she were in the right mood). Of course there have also been good revelations about her little personality. She's always loved to sing along with Disney movies but I didn't realize how much she actually loves all music until a few days ago. We were in the car and 'If I Fell' by The Beatles came on the radio and she said, 'Turn it up man!' (she calls everyone 'man' or 'dude' lately) and then sang the entire first verse almost perfectly. To say I was proud would be the understatement of the century.
I've noticed she's also been very interested in being on my lap whenever I play the guitar so I got her her own mini-guitar to "play". This had two unexpected benefits; if I tell her to behave or she'll be headed to a guitar-less time out she straightens right up (I swear she'd sleep with the thing if I let her) and second, she's picking up songs faster than I can teach them to her. It's like she's been archiving all these songs in her head and has now decided to share them with the world. Obviously her little fingers can't actually play songs yet but she gives it her all when she attempts 'Hey Jude' (which she sings 'hey dude'). I sat down at the piano yesterday and started playing 'Imagine' (which I used to sing to her before bed) and she sang the song from beginning to end all by herself. It is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.
I am thrilled at this latest curve ball she's thrown me. Music is all I ever wanted to do with my life as a kid and I love that we have this in common. But I'm also aware that she could wake up one day and decide she's completely obsessed with something else. My sister's oldest learned both piano and guitar by the time she was 8 years old but is now 11 and has changed direction and devoted her time to sports. So I'll immensely enjoy playing the melodies for as long as she enjoys belting out the lyrics. What a wonderful world it is.