Monday, November 15, 2010

Whine Country

You know what really grinds my gears? (10 points if you get the reference.) People who whine about petty things like how they're never gonna find anyone. And you know what (here's tough love me coming out to play), maybe you're not. That's just the way it is for some folks, depressing as it sounds. But dude, you're 24 years old! You've been an active dater for, what, maybe ten years? Newsflash - some people don't find their someone until their 40's so if you're resigning yourself to a life of being single and going all 'woe is me' after less than a decade, good luck with all the other shockers life has in store for you. (I don't wanna ruin the surprise but this thing called life tends to not always be fair).
Is there someone for everyone? Who knows. The die hard romantic in me would like to think it is so. But I'm sure as hell not gonna witch and moan about how 'nobody likes me, everybody hates me' just because my someone hasn't shown up yet (or maybe it's me who's late to that party, maybe the universe changed our time to cross paths and I missed the memo). Maybe it's a personality thing; some people need a partner to feel stable or loved or have any self-worth. That's not exactly healthy but I have known some people who seem completely lost if they're not in a relationship, even if it's a bad relationship.
Have you ever thought that maybe there's a reason this person you're so desperately waiting on has not shown up yet? Consider that you may be lacking in some area (say, maturity) that is going to be crucial to making the relationship last. Or maybe the other person is lacking in some area. People learn and grow and experience things at different rates. It could be something as simple as one of you not being ready for forever and, if you get together now, it'd just fall apart. I've been very happy when I was single and I've been miserable but I've never given up, even when I probably had every right to do so. It sounds cheesy but I'm a firm believer that you need to learn to live with what you are and love yourself, flaws and all, before you can ever love or accept love from someone else. (Here's another one for you - Disney lies. Love is not that easy to find nor maintain). But when you're in the right place and they're in the right place, it'll happen. So until then, lay back and try to enjoy the ride.