Sunday, April 24, 2011

3-0's here. That sounds like a line out of a scary movie, I know. I wouldn't say I've been dreading thirty, though I still refer to myself as "25" (or 25 with a remainder of 5, as my family says). I'm unbelievably happy to have made it out of my twenties, it was iffy there for awhile. Most people I know have freaked out in the days before turning 30. I prepped myself for a freak out for months but then...nothin'. I've been very chilled the past week or so (which is not unusual for me at all really) but that could also be cuz I've had other stuff on my mind.
I mentioned that everyone was encouraging me to do something "big" for my birthday but I couldn't think of anything "big". All the cliche stuff you hear; bungee jumping, sky diving, tattoos, are things I've already done. I understand why people do things like that but, to me, today was just like any other day. I woke up way too early for a Saturday, checked to make sure my daughter's cough is on the mend and met some friends for brunch. I came home without any real plans for the day, other than to watch hockey (4 games on in 1 day, I love the playoffs). That worked out for a few hours before I was "kidnapped" and taken to a friend's house for a mini surprise party. It was totally unexpected but just what I needed. I got to talk to some people I hadn't seen in awhile, eat some kickass food (always befriend people who can cook) and got my favorite red velvet cake (baked by a friend since no one could find an already made one at the store). Then I got to drink and sing along with my favorite songs (no, it wasn't karaoke. I tend to sing at random times a lot, drunk or sober) and...I had a lot of fun. I can't think of anything that could've made my day better. So a big thank you to all the people I love (and who must love me to put up with me) who wished me a Happy Birthday.