Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday Night Lights Out

As I start this post it is 11:45 PM on a Wednesday and my laptop battery (which does not have near the amount of time the box said it would on it) is at 47%. That may or may not be enough juice to finish this post. We will see. Why can't I plug myself in and type away, you ask? Because we have no power. It rained the tiniest bit three hours ago, there was one bolt of lightning and now there is no power. And of course no explanation as to why from the power company. Entering hour three of powerlessness has brought on some interesting feelings. I should clarify that my companions during these dark times are my sister, her partner (and one of my best friends), my 11-year-old niece, 8-year-old nephew, 3-year-old nephew, my crazy aunt (ya'll remember her from Christmas, I'm sure) and my mom. My daughter passed out a long time ago, everyone else is still kickin'. This all began as an 'oh, it'll kick back on in a half hour' situation but that is obviously not the case.
Crazy aunt has taken the reigns during this forced family time. She's asked both my sister and I about our future baby plans and then went into a detailed mini-rant about why I should have more kids. Right on cue my daughter comes wandering into the room, she overheard all the laughing and goofing off and it woke her up. My aunt gets her worked into a frenzy about helping to bake her "monkey cake" on Thursday and suddenly she's wide awake. Everyone was still wired so we found ways to pass the time. Don't ask me how I know, but if you ever wanna sing and dance with accompanying strobe lights, the iPhone has an app for that. And such behavior is endlessly fascinating to the toddler set. Then I put on my Oldies playlist on my iPod (the only playlist everyone could agree on) and I started changing the words to some songs, as I often do. Making every song reference a monkey in some way amused my daughter to no end (total dad moment here, but that laugh is adorable). Finally at 2 AM the power kicks back on as I'm using my sister's laptop to watch hockey highlights with my daughter (that's right, my girl loves hockey already). Eventually everyone settled and went to bed but it was a fun night. Maybe I won't think that once I get up in the morning and have to get into the mad dash to finish all this birthday party planning. But that's tomorrow (or later today's) problem.

(Finished at 3:45 AM cuz I did indeed have to plug in the laptop)