Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Heard That You're Settled Down...

Someone I was very close to and lingered with for a very long time dropped a bombshell yesterday when she announced she was married. Talk about a shock to the system. I'm not still in love with her, I'm just more surprised about how quickly it happened. Oh and that I knew nothing about this dude til now. Okay, that's kind of a lie. I knew about him but I didn't realize it was that serious. Obviously, I can't help but wonder what it is about this dude that could settle down a commitment-phobe who couldn't stick around when she was with me. On paper, he and I are almost carbon copies of each other. But there has to be something different, right? It's really none of my business, we've chosen not to be a part of each other's lives when we're seeing other people. Although I guess there's no need to set that boundary anymore since she's off the market. Huh...definitely an unexpected turn of events. Wish her nothing but the best though.