Monday, September 26, 2011

Feel Good About The Good Things, Feel Bad About The Bad Things

This may be my new favorite motto. Bad things in life are inevitable but you can't dwell on them or they just keep bringing you down. And I know I've been guilty of not embracing the good things as much as I should. A few nights ago my best friend's mother passed away. It was expected but that didn't make the news any less crushing. Since then things have been very out of body experience for me. It's so weird to think someone who was such a part of my life and especially my youth is no longer here. Getting that news was terrible and I'll never forget how I felt the moment I heard it. But I'm trying not to dwell on it because it was a bad thing. A VERY bad thing, obviously. Today was a get together to celebrate her life and trade some stories. And that was actually a good thing because it was more upbeat than depressing. I think we all needed that after a hellish week. And I feel good about today. It's not over yet but it's been a pretty good day so far. Certainly better than I thought it would be when I woke up this morning. So this is what I'm gonna do now. Try and embrace as much of the good as I can and always say how I feel when I feel it and not after the fact. I was in a very open and loving mood yesterday and I really liked how it made me feel. And if something sucks or I have a bad day, I'm not gonna stew about it, cuz that doesn't help anyone. I don't know...I feel different today than I felt a day ago and I'm not sure why that is. It could have nothing to do with my being more open. We shall see where this leads I guess.