Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm NOT Sick

I am unwell and I have no idea what type of plague I have. Two days ago I had a fever that came out of nowhere and lasted about 12 hours, but I felt okay. As of yesterday, I have a weird...not pain but...something in my stomach. Don't know what that's about but I don't like it. Today brought a sore throat and sore muscles. Of course, everybody I know has a different interpretation of my unwellness. My mom still thinks I'm having a bad reaction to my new allergy medication and that I should stop taking it immediately and see if my symptoms improve. My uncle says it's stress-related and I need to unwind and/or talk to somebody about why I'm so stressed. My sister is the one who has dubbed my illness "plague" and lovingly pointed out that her oldest son has the flu not long ago and was just getting over it when I came into contact with him on my trip home. Fantastic. But I don't think it's the flu (who gets that in the summer months anyway). So what do I think I have? Beats the hell out of me girls and boys. But I'll tell you this: immune systems be annoying sometimes.
Years and years and years ago, I was one of those lucky lads who never got sick. I had the flu once as a kid when I was about 5 and never had it again until adulthood and I had chicken pox when I was 8. That was it in terms of illness (but I'm not counting my kidney issues since those weren't really an illness). But my immune system seems to have staged a revolt in the past five years or so. I don't get sick too easily but once I do, it seems to linger a little longer than it does for most people. But it could always be worse. And since I'm so damn stubborn I don't admit I'm sick until I'm right smack in the middle of the illness (hence the title of this post). My brother once said if I ever contracted something really bad, I wouldn't admit it was bad until I was on my deathbed. And he's probably right. Why I can't admit there's a problem when there's an actual problem, I will never know.
My plan is to aggressively get some rest and try to will myself into being better. I'm doing all the crap people say to do; drinking a lot of water and trying to sleep as much as possible, etc. So far, no effect. I'm not really tired so it's been tough for me to sleep. I'm not hungry so I'm not eating much (I've had cereal today and that is all). I get bursts of energy where I'm able to do some work or write a little bit but those don't last long. It's one of those moods where I don't feel like doing anything or dealing with anyone (I get moody when I don't feel well). And I hate that I get that way. So, it's back to water and riding the couch so I can beat...whatever the hell this is.