Saturday, September 17, 2011

Work It

I've spent the past two days helping my cousin and her husband finish a basement in their new home. It has been oddly calming to do all this work (more on that in another post). Most of it has been about hanging drywall, something none of us had ever done before, and the learning curve has been steep for yours truly. Did you know that drywall gives off all kinds of dust when you cut it? And did you know that if you inhale that dust for a full six hours of work, you wake up the next morning with a sore throat? Yeah, neither did I. Also, don't ask me how I know, but you also get a nasty cough later on in the day. We all wore masks on day 2 of the project (okay, *I* finally put on a mask, everyone else had them on to begin with) so hopefully the effects of drywall dust are less now. However, leave it to Crazy Aunt to put a dirty spin on the renovations.

Cousin: "Don't give him any sympathy. He's the one who chose not to wear a mask."

Crazy Aunt: "Mijo, you know you have to use protection."

Love that woman.