Thursday, March 15, 2012

Attention Shoppers, There's A Special On BOGO Minorities, Aisle Five

I've been laid up in bed much of the last two days and it's driving me crazy. If I move from my left side for too long, the pain there flares up and hurts like a mofo and makes me nauseous. My daughter's bed still lay in ruins because I was in the middle of fixing it when this latest medical thing occurred. (Why does it need fixin'? Cuz I broke it, that's why.) It annoys me when I start a project but can't finish it for whatever reason. Although it's not like she'll be using it anytime soon since I can't even take care of myself right now, let alone a kid. Oh, and my insurance company is refusing to cover any hospitalization so I'm trying to figure out how to do these tests, get rest and have a way to not pay for it. Yeah...banner day all around. But, as I do with most things, I've decided to try and make the best of it. Today making the best of it means finishing (or starting) my birthday shopping for my mom, cousins, daughter and sister-in-law via Amazon. I texted my "wife" today that my mom was annoying me because she refused to tell me what she wants for her birthday. The reply and ensuing conversation gave me the best laugh of the past 24 hours.

Me: My mom is a pain. Her bday is Tues and I ask her what she wants and she ignores me.
W: Huh lol Does she not want you to get her anything? Or does she want a daughter in law?
Me: I'm sure if they sold those on Amazon, she'd have bought one already.
W: I'm suprised she hasn't purchased a Russian mail order bride yet.
Me: Oh she doesn't really care for the Russians. Prob the only thing holding her back.
W: I'm sure they come in other flavors
Me: Maybe I should get crazy aunt a black guy for her birthday. She is curious about them.
W: Whoa.
W: Whoa.
W: Whoooa
W: Do you think they have a buy one get one free special on those?
W: If they do, be kind rew-wait That's not the right saying...share the wealth!