Friday, March 16, 2012


My family is all kindsa worried about me since my health is not good and I'm more than a little depressed about the insurance crap I'm having to deal with. Crazy Aunt, who has been obsessed with me since the day I was unexpectedly born, is probably the most freaked out of the bunch. Why she's so worried now, as opposed to when cancer was suspected when I first became ill, I have no idea. She played it cool back then but now she's worried and wants to help in any way she can. Apparently she was conspiring to fly out to me and...well, that's as far as she got. There's not really much anyone can do, except the doctors obviously. My mom found out about her plan and I talked Crazy Aunt out of commandeering the first plane she could find in an effort to get to me. However, nobody told me that my sister was also planning on flying out. And so she did today. Not that I'm complaining since I'm a mess and my best friend, who has always had the most patience out of anyone I know when it comes to me and who would typically be here making sure I don't die, is not speaking to me at the moment. Of course, as I write this my new nurse is passed out because she's exhausted from her flight. But I'm still insanely happy she's here. I've been teetering dangerously close to the edge the past few days and the one person who always calls me back from it is my sister. So next up on the agenda is blood tests and maybe (but hopefully not) another spinal tap. The good news I guess is that I won't have to go into the hospital, which I didn't want to do anyway (haha, in your face insurance company!). The bad news is I'm still laid up and it's annoying. But today I was able to move between the couch and my bedroom so that's progress. And I think the swelling has gone down a bit but that could just be my wishful thinking. Anyway, my spirits have definitely been lifted by a couple things today and that's always good.