Thursday, March 15, 2012

Holy Random Morality, Batman!

Me: "I don't know why. It just seems so wrong to eat the cross that Jesus supposedly died on."

R: "Heh...Like you have morals all of a sudden."

Me: "Once a year. Don't wanna overdo it."

A friend of mine (not the one I had the above convo with) and I have an inside joke about how I lack morals, thanks to all my manwhoring back in the day. I don't know how we got on the subject but one day we started talking about zombies and all the cliche changes that happen when a human becomes one (yes, we were talking about it as if it's an actual thing). And she says to me, "That'd be hilarious if zombie you all of a sudden had morals". And thus, my friends favorite taunt of all time was born. I have no morals, but zombie me does. Today my friend R sent me a picture of a Russell Stover cross and suggested I take one with me to the hospital since it would serve two purposes - a snack and "protection". They didn't have chocolate crosses for Easter when I was a kid (to my knowledge anyway). I remember seeing them a few years ago and my first thought was that there seemed to be something about eating one of those. I mean, I'm not a religious lad but it is allegedly the cross that a dude died on. And for people's sins, no less. But I don't know, maybe it's just my own thing. I'd completely forgotten that I wore a crucifix, pardon the pun, religiously from the time I was 8 until I was about 21. Every day, from the time I woke up until the time I went to bed. So maybe that's why I find it in bad taste that they sell chocolate crosses now. But don't worry ya'll, this aversion of mine most likely has to do with the crucifix thing and NOT the sudden onset of morals. Phew...that was a close one.