Monday, March 26, 2012


First, I went to a baptism today and it prompted hilarious comments from almost all of my loved ones. Even my mom. But my favorite is this one, "Wow. You're gonna be sweating like a whore in church cuz...well, you'll be a whore in a church."

Second, I am newly addicted to the fantastically named, "Draw My Thing" game on Facebook. I didn't even know this game existed until today. A friend told me about it and I reactivated my profile (it was gone because I hate timeline) to play it with them. It. Was. AWESOME. I can't draw to save my life but it was fun and addicting all the same. So if anyone is up for a game, drop me a line. (Unless you can actually draw, then I don't wanna play with you).

Third, I'm all kindsa sad and have been most of the day. Don't know what that's about, but I don't like it.