Thursday, March 22, 2012

Time Was Meant For Mending

I just got off the phone with my brother, our first good talk in awhile. Things seem to be on an up for him at the moment (or at least not as bad as they are for me right now). He just completed his move to Texas, after spending a month home with the family and, shock, his own kids. His health is good and he thinks there's hope for a reconciliation with the Mrs. at some point. I talked to her last week and she was adamant that the divorce was on and that was that. But today we texted a bit and she said she's "open" to putting that plan on hold and "seeing what happens". I don't know what all that means but I've always hoped they could work things out. And now that my brother is less of an idiot and beginning to resemble his former self again, it looks like they could be on the mend. But the sis-in-law has made it clear that, IF a reconciliation happens, it won't be until later this year. She's going to London this summer and he won't be able to go back home until around October. But she hasn't ruled out joining him down in Texas for a few months, depending on how things go from here. At least someone's having a good day. I'm happy for both of them.