Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mi Familia

I had to be up at six in the morning to get poked and prodded for four hours by various medical professionals. I have to go for a biopsy tomorrow to (again) rule out cancer, since my counts from my last blood test are almost as low as they were when I first became ill. Fun times. Upside: I got Starbucks on the way home and I got these nifty get well cards from my nieces and nephews (and brother-in-law).

(My soon-to-be 13-year-old niece)

(My 9-year-old nephew, currently obsessed with hockey)

 (My 4-year-old nephew...more of an abstract artist)

(And my 31-year-old bro-in-law, the biggest kid of all. The top got cut off but it says, "The Captain to my Tenille. The J to my PB. The Hall to my Oates. The John to my Paul. The Benson to my Stabler (cuz you are the pretty one). Get well soon brother.)