Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Drunk Mind Speaks A Sober Heart

Riddle me this...what is it about alcohol that makes people turn into damn fools? A friend of mine got a drunken call from a dude she's been hooking up with asking if she'd be into a threesome with him and his guy friend. The guy friend was apparently egging it on, right next to him as he made the call and posed the question. She recoiled and hung up the phone, but kept thinking about it afterward (for obvious reasons). They've only been hooking up for two months and evidently he's still a little hung up on his ex. Her divorce was just finalized (after literally years of waiting) and she has a daughter and is working on her PhD and has been reluctant to do just a hook up thing in the past because she worried she would catch feelings. But she decided to have fun with this dude and see where it goes. So far it goes...interesting. Because of his ex-factor (he's been known to also call the ex while drunk, asking why she dumped him), it's been all about sex and not really emotions. Who knows what happens from here now that he's asked about the threesome thing.
You know you've been a major manwhore in a past life when one of your friends asks you for advice about a threesome. And this is the kind of advice I am qualified to give out, kids. Perhaps I shouldn't be proclaiming that in this forum but really, ain't no shame. I'm not surprised that a dude asked a chick for a threesome, nor am I surprised that he wanted another dude involved (although I do think it interesting he asked about a dude and not another chick). But I am a little thrown by how brazen this dude was in asking, and in asking someone he hasn't been with that long. Even if you know the chick you're with is curious about it or has done it in the past, I still think you wait to ask for something like that. I don't know...different strokes for different folks, as they say.