Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Como Se Dice Gangbang Of Awesomness?

I was watching a documentary on Selena's death while catching up with a friend. As usual, hilarity ensues. (Note: BJ is our company that we will someday probably but not really put into action)

Me: I hope BJ never has a fan that kills one of us
Friend: And if we do...I hope they kill me first so I never have to live a second without you
Me: *single tear rolls slowly down my face*
Me: I hope they kill you first too lol. Human shield!
Friend: LOL. That's so romantic

As if that weren't enough, it then became a Facebook status and the convo continued.

Me: 'Now tell me you like it whore!'
Friend: LOL. Someone's got to cool he damn jets!
Me: LOL. Cool he jam dets.
Me: Or, if I'm being slightly less dyslexic and looking whilst I type, cool he damn jets.
Friend: LMAO!! ^^^ Look at what you just did!
Me: LOL. Shut up!
Friend: OMG. I. AM. DYYYING.
Friend: Now I've got a tear rolling down MY face!

A few days later I was telling my mom about this entire exchange to which she replied, "Well didn't I just raise a charmer".