Monday, June 25, 2012

The Stars At Night Are Big And Bright

Ain't that the truth. I have been in Dallas a week now and I have never been hotter and humider in my life. It is literally a billion degrees here with humidity of one million percent. Ok, maybe I exaggerate but it is mofo hot. The devil may have gone down to Georgia but I firmly believe his main residence is located deep in the heart of Texas. Whilst I was complaining about the heat to a friend, they came up with the perfect slogan for this state - "Hell is real. Hell is Texas". And, weather-wise, that is pretty spot on. I'm not knocking the state in general, mind you. I quite enjoy my time in Texas and have spent a fair amount of time in the state because I've dated a few chicks who live here. I've been here through freaky ass storms and tornado warnings and even snow. But I don't think it's ever been this mofo hot and humid while I've been here. All that said, it's still been a pretty fantastic trip. I saw my hometown baseball team lose to the Texas Rangers (twice, in fact). I unexpectedly got a job with an acquaintance so that's been taking up a good amount of my time, but it's been fun. In a way it's taken me back to my film school days, which I loved, and reminded me why I fell in love with my profession to begin with. And the past two days have been spent road trippin' from even further down South with my brother. He's in the final stages of moving his stuff from a little town where he began working a few months ago to Dallas, where he'll be working the rest of the summer. But that three hour drive from point A to point B is crazy, ya'll (you'd think that last word would be me picking up the lingo here but actually I use 'ya'll' all the time). His car broke down twice and we ended up in more diners than I'd care to count. But we didn't fight. Which is awesome. And things could've been much worse. There's always an upside. I'm to my last few days (possibly, I may stay til the weekend) in town and I've got to catch up on some work stuff. But this has definitely been the best part of my summer so far.