Friday, June 29, 2012

All I Wanna Do Is Get Knocked Up By A Stranger

The scene: My brother, sister-in-law and I were flipping through the music channels on TV and stopped on the 90's station (which the sis and I love, but my brother is iffy about). The first few songs were ones we were very familiar with and then Heart's "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You" came on, which none of us had heard in years. My brother commented on the video though and how no one could forget it, nor the subject matter of the song. Basically, the chick singing the song picks up a hitchhiker, doesn't know his name or anything else but "fate" tells her they should have a one night stand. They find a hotel and "make magic" and the next day she takes off before he wakes up and leave him a note saying they made a kid. Years later, they run into one another and she tells him she's with another dude, and was the night they hooked up, but he couldn't give her a baby so she essentially used him as an on the spot sperm donor. Yeah...what can I say, it was the 80's/90's kids. Anyway, this is the conversation we had during the song and damn it if it didn't put me in a better mood.

Me: I can't believe this was a hit, this song is ridiculous.
Sis: The video was epic though!
Bro: I don't remember this one.
Me: She picks up some stranger on the side of the road, they do it and she has his kid.
Sis: Oh yeah and isn't she like married the whole time?
Bro: Ew

[Silence for about 30 seconds while we all process the story]

Me: People make it so complicated these days. She wanted a baby, she found a dude and just did it. Now people need screenings and love and junk.

[Bro and Sis start laughing]

Sis: She was ahead of her time...and I like how you call it "junk". You're such a romantic, big brother.
Bro: So wait, he only finds out about the kid because he sees him years later? She coulda called.
Sis: She was married to someone else, she passed the baby off as his. She just wanted the baby.
Me: That, and she probably didn't have his number. Being that she picked him up on the side of the road and all.
Bro: Oh duh. Yeah, I don't think I'll be downloading this.
Bro: Is it weird that someone wrote your autobiography into a song when you were like 9?

LOL. Oh, how I love my little brother. Bastard.