Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Call In The Night

In the past hour alone...

Me: It's stuck in my drain
Friend: ? What's stuck in your drain?
Me: What?
Friend: What does something being stuck in your drain have to do with anything?
Me: Again, what?
Friend: Brain?
Me: Pinky? lol Wtf?
Friend: LOL. Read YOUR texts to me and THEN respond.
Friend: Do NOT respond PRIOR to reading those texts.
Me: lol Ohhhh. Brain, not drain.
Friend: lol Whose on First!
Me: Idk, but if they're wearing an extra speshul helmut, they're probably related to me.

Me: How dare they make you work hard for the monkey
Friend: Um...
Friend: Money?
Me: LOL. Yeah, that
Me: Although I guess either applies for you, really
Friend: Wow, lol smoove
Me: I told you I tried!
Me: *sigh*
Me: *I told you I'M TIRED
Friend: That makes sense, I went back through my texts wondering when the hell you had told me you had tried

I am borderline exhausted. My anemia was already giving me guff the past few days but now comes word that my brother had a seizure last night. (For the newbies amongst the crowd, my brother has a non-cancerous brain tumor.) He's on medication that's been keeping the seizures away but he ran out over the weekend and couldn't get the prescription filled until today. Apparently it was a day too late. He had to go to the ER and was released early this morning from the hospital. He's okay now and has his meds and his wife is on her way down to see him. Evidently I'm still his emergency contact in his phone because I got a call about him being there and asking if I could get there within an hour. Given that he's in Texas and I am not...that'd be a no. Then I started freaking out because we don't have any family in his neck of the woods down there; my cousin and her husband are in Houston, but my brother lives around Dallas. I only know one group o' people in Dallas but I haven't talked to the majority of them in quite some time. Desperate times yo. One of my exes lives down there with her family. I talked to her a couple months ago, but haven't had any contact with her family in awhile. I called her but she's out of town this week so she called her mom to be with him at the hospital. I'm VERY thankful he wasn't alone, I know he was worried. The rest of the exes fam is taking care of him the next few days and then hopefully he'll be back on his meds and back to work. The doc says the brother most likely will be fine once he gets the meds into his system, and I know he's in good hands and being taken care of right now. But that doesn't make me worry any less...