Friday, March 22, 2013

I Ain't Ready For The Altar, But I Do Agree There's Times When A Woman Sure Can Be A Friend Of Mine

I know what you're thinking, it is shocking that I would be a fan of a song that speaks of not marrying the person you love. But hey, at least I'm consistent. I first heard this song on the radio, maybe, six years ago and instantly loved the guitar on it. Eventually I also fell for the lyrics and it's one of those songs that, once it comes up on the shuffle, I have it on repeat for days. Obviously I can relate to it pretty darn well. I've always thought the meaning of this song was pretty straightforward; dude leaves his lady at the altar after realizing that he isn't ready to marry her and then proceeds to ask her to be patient with him while he sorts out his crap. Très romantique, oui? However, during a convo with G I realized that not everyone interprets it the same way, which is the great thing about music. His interpretation was...well, weird and involved a nun and all this religious imagery. Come to think of it, we may have just both been on an acid trip during the conversation...Anyway...So it's not your typical love song. But it's a good one nonetheless.