Saturday, March 2, 2013

Seasons Change And So Did I, You Need Not Wonder Why

My family is working my nerves of late. One cousin sprung a wedding on us, another is having issues coping with the end of a relationship, and a third cousin just broke up someone else's relationship. I've talked about the first two extensively so let's talk about the third. This dude has been all over the map in terms of dating since he came out six years ago. He's a good guy but he tends to...take full advantage of his good looks and charm. I swear, once he came out it was like every other gay man on earth got some kind of transmission and started hitting on him. But he didn't really date anyone, I think he was overwhelmed. Then he met a quiet, closeted man ten years his senior and fell for him. The guy was equally smitten and they dated for a few years before the cousin decided he couldn't be with someone who was still in the closet. They split for about a day and both were miserable. So his boyfriend decided to come out, thinking that was the one thing keeping them from committing to each other long term. They reconciled for about six months, then the cousin ended it because he met someone else. The family was disappointed, his ex is a great guy who still adores him, but we were also fans of his next choice. Bachelor number two was the complete opposite of his predecessor. He was more feminine and completely out of the closet from the start. Things moved quickly and six months in the new dude was talking lifelong commitment. Which is about the time the cousin took a shine to someone else, ended the relationship and began hooking up with the other guy. It turned out to only be a fling and he and the boyfriend reconciled. Depending on which one of them you talk to, they later either became engaged or they just became very serious. But the boyfriend could not stop talking about marriage after it became legal in their state. The cousin grew uncomfortable with all the marriage talk so he ended it again and they've kinda been on and off ever since. Sometimes he brings him to family events (as he did last Christmas), but most of the time he doesn't. We'd heard little about his personal life until last night when he confessed that he's dating someone. Someone who was/is engaged to someone else.
I know who this new guy is, I've run into him a handful of times. He's a friend of our neighbors, very good looking, smart and friendly Latin dude (that description courtesy of the best friend who argued with me for a month over whether or not he was straight). He, like the cousin, is one of the straightest gay dudes I've ever met. But he is out of the closet and has been since high school. Five years ago he started dating an older guy and his friends were surprised by the pairing. The Latin guy is dark, about 6,1" and very in shape. His paramour was 5'7", snow white and bald with thick glasses. Nobody understood the attraction but they were happy so everyone got on board. The day gay marriage became legal in their state, the Latin fella proposed and the little fella said yes. However, gay marriage was repealed and is working its way through the courts so they had to wait. In the meantime, they moved and ended up in a state where they can legally wed...also a state with no shortage of gay nightlife. The Latin guy likes to look but has never touched. According to our neighbors, the little guy has always been self-conscious and insecure about the relationship. They think he's bought into believing he's not good enough or attractive enough for his boyfriend and it's only a matter of time before he gets left alone. No matter how much assurance he got, he always maintained that he felt temporary in the guy's life. The Latin thought that marriage would help matters and prove that he only wants to be with this one person, so they started planning a wedding. Then he met the cousin. Now, all in the span of about a month, the cousin and the Latin are dating, the engagement is off and everything is out of control. The jilted fiancé is not taking the news well and is lashing out at whoever he considers responsible. Which is apparently everyone BUT his ex. He's gone off on the neighbors, he's gone off my cousin's twin brother. But not on the man who left him. I don't understand the logic. Having been jilted at one point myself, I can honestly say I wasn't pissed at the dude who took my place. My anger was directed at her and at myself. I didn't give a damn about the other dude or analyze what he had that I didn't, I was just pissed off at the way she left. My view is that even if the other party knows they're entering a relationship with someone who is taken, your significant other still chose to pursue it. They were the one obligated to walk away, not the third party. I don't condone entering into these kind of relationships, I'm just saying that this dude's anger is misplaced and it seems to be a common occurrence. Now we're all waiting for the smoke to clear. Time will tell if the cousin is just passing through or if he genuinely loves this guy. We'll either be welcoming the dude to the family, or we'll be back to not mentioning what's going on in his private life. *sigh* No wonder I get migraines.