Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Throwback Tuesday

A friend and I determined today that we're coming up on our ten year 'anniversary'. That means we've been terrorizing the world and poking our noses into each other's business for almost a decade. It was a surprise to both of us since we thought we'd passed that milestone already. We reminisced on some stuff today and pulled up a conversation we had back in 2008 and it's amazing how things have changed. At the time, I was navigating how to raise a teenager and now that kid is no longer a teenager and will be a junior in college in the fall. However, some things never change. And that is very evident in the exchange below. It's something that would still happen today.

Me: I don't know..authority is a bitch sometimes
Friend: Tell me about it
Me: When did I get old enough to tell someone else what to do?
Friend: LOL
Friend: Since you stopped being part of MTV's target demographic?
Me: I guess so. You know what's funny about that though? [Best friend] and me were watching TV the other day and one of the girls from some MTV reality show was on like 'E!' and I said, "Who the hell is that?" And she says, "I don't know."
Friend: LMAO!
Me: And we continued to bark at each other like an elderly married couple for ten minutes trying to figure out who this person was lol
Friend: Oh god that's so awesome