Friday, March 1, 2013

Your Friends Have Shown A Kink In The Single Life, You've Had Too Much To Think, Now You Need A Wife

My cousin DMC has been engaged since Christmas. He and his intended have had a rocky ride to the altar, he's been on the accelerated marriage path from day one but she was months out of a bad marriage when they began dating. But they seem on the same page now. Around the holidays, they said they were looking at a February wedding date but we didn't hear anything else about it. That is, until yesterday when they announced they will be tying the knot in Boston on 3/13/2013, with a reception the following weekend back in our hometown. I'm happy for them, DMC has wanted to get hitched for as long as I can remember. He and I tend to butt heads on a lot of things, he's very old-fashioned about things and I'm not. This song has always reminded me of him because I've sometimes wondered if he doesn't want the traditional marriage and kids thing solely because it's the "proper" thing to do. I realize now that it's likely more to do with the fact that he didn't have that growing up and wants more stability for his own kids.