Friday, March 29, 2013

Who Are You?

Last night at around 10 I was asked to come up with a music track for a friend's project. I was up until around 3 trying to find the music, edit the music and then send it out. Another friend was unfortunate (or lucky, depending on how you look at it) enough to text during my editing-fest to update me on her situation with her boy toy. The conversation quickly spiraled.

Me: And after so many weeks, ya'll should both be chomping at the bit, nahmean?
Friend: LOL it...but yeah, I was thinking the same thing
Me: lol I felt like I should go thug
Friend: For a second I read 'I feel like I should give you a hug' and I got all happy
Friend: I know you don't wanna hug me. You don't have to yell.
Me: Oh simmer down. I never said that
Friend: Lol Simmer down...yes meemaw
Me: LOL I'm exhausted, I don't know who I am
Friend: LOL You're definitely not the man I married
Me: LOL No kidding. I've gone from 2Pac to Ma Kettle in the span of five minutes
Friend: LOL