Saturday, March 30, 2013

TROJAN MAAAAAANN...Oh Wait, It's Just...Bill Gates?!

While we're on a dirty trip, let's talk about Bill Gates trying to pay someone to come up with a "better condom". First of all, I am thoroughly upset NASA has not produced on yet. And while we're at it, what the hell ever happened to hoverboards? NASA should be concerned with making my life easier, not sending people into space to meet martians. But I digress. After I read the article about Gates' quest, I scrolled down to see the comments. And it was worth the scroll. People have hilarious ideas about this. But the scary thing is that some of them were dead serious about their ideas. One dude said that there should be hidden messages on condoms that are only revealed when they come (pun intended) in contact with fluids. Because who doesn't want to be thinking, "I can't wait to read the hidden message!" during sex, right? Another fool proposed that condoms should change colors depending on the type of sexual activity taking place. He offered up the idea to whoever wanted it. Shockingly no one did. I'm not sure why Bill Gates, one of the least sexual people in the world, is the one proposing this to begin with. Did he get tired of building computers? His name in the same sentence as "condom" was something I could have gone my entire life without hearing. Shouldn't someone like Trojan be pursuing this? I mean, they do this for a living and all. Seems like a natural progression. While discussing this with a friend, I couldn't help but throw in my two cents, which weren't much. But did produce the following exchange.

Me: I don't see what the big deal is. Just wear the damn thing so you don't catch anything or knock anybody up
G: LMAO Says the dude with a kid
Me: LOL Well...yeah
Me: But not bc they're uncomfortable. I didn't wear them bc I'm reckless and self-destructive
G: lol Here! Here!