Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Wonders Of The Younger

*sigh* I remember when my niece was born almost 14 years ago. So sweet. Do innocent. So not that child anymore. I've adored this girl since I found out she was entering our lives, and nothing will ever change that. But she be workin' my nerves the past two days. First, she complimented some of the old school songs we listened up during my favorite radio show. But it was a backhanded compliment. "Your old music is cool, Nino.". Then, she decided one dig wasn't enough apparently. "You were my age when this came out? Wow that was like forever ago.". It was at that point that I began to question whether this child would live to see 14. But she wasn't done yet. She's always been a horror movie buff but wasn't allowed to see certain films until recently. I learned the hard way that I couldn't bypass this rule when she and I attempted to watch scary movies one night a few years ago. Her mom knew my plan before it was even put into action (damn twin thing). So we've taken the last day to watch some scary flicks from my teenage years (cuz, really, what better way is there to honor a man who is about to rise from the dead?). Big mistake. After seeing "Scream", and both "I Know What You Did Last Summer" movies, she turns to me and says to me, she says, "Nino, are there any other old movies like that that are good?". Old movies?!? These movies are from the 90's. So...yeah, I guess by those standards they are older. But not OLD. For the next thirty minutes my friends and I all cursed out aging and the awful effect it is having on us. My mom decided to put in her two cents and remind us that she was about our age when we used to tease her about being "old". But your kids are supposed to be better than you. Unfortunately, in this family, your kids are only better smart asses than you were. *sigh*
While I am thrilled to be able to age, especially this time of year, I am not thrilled about being reminded of how old I really am. 32 isn't awful and I don't mind it since I feel like I'm a much better person now than I was in my 20's. It's being reminded of my youth and how far in he rear view mirror it is that gets me. And there's been no shortage of that lately. A week ago, I was watching an episode of "CSI" with the fam. The story was about one of the medical examiners going to his high school reunion. As he bantered with his wife about how he didn't really want to go, she told him they were not going to let $100 tickets go to waste (btw, $100 for a high school reunion?!? I wouldn't see those people again for free.). Then she mentioned his graduation year. Class of '98. I was class of '99. And I thought, "Fuck I'm old". I texted a friend, half-pissed off and half-reminiscent, saying that next year will be my FIFTEEN year high school reunion. She said, "Good god" and then proceeded to confirm that I was old (this is why I don't have more than like two friends who are younger than me. I don't need that kinda abuse). But it wasn't realizing how old I am that got on my nerves. I learned that, contrary to what I tell myself, the 90's were not in fact just a decade ago. And dammit that sucks. Further hammering home how old I am was a weekend long marathon of MTV's "The Real World". The season I re-watched originally aired in 2003. Watching 7 twenty something's picked to live in a house and have their lives taped when you're also 23? Great. Watching 7 twenty something's picked to live in a house and have their lives taped when you're 32? Not good. Not good at all. It's a trip to think that the very niece who stabbed me in the back and then twisted the knife repeatedly was born in 1999. Sometimes it still doesn't sink in that people could be born in the 90's. As if the production line was halted in 1989 or something. It's a good thing I bounce back quickly. The fact that I don't dwell on the negative has saved that child's life. For now anyway.