Thursday, February 28, 2013

As Foretold

I'm a fan of all things "Law & Order" but have always favored the Special Victims Unit spinoff. The show's glory days are long behind it but I still watch every week, mostly because I assume a cancellation is on the horizon and I'd like to finish what I started. L&O has always ripped stories from the headlines, often with very subtle tweaks, but always with thought provoking conclusions. This weej's episode was no different. Its premise was as follows; a young, up-and-coming female singer is beaten by her rap star boyfriend, yet refuses to press charges. Sound familiar? As per the usual with L&O, some details were changed but much of the story remained intact. The boyfriend made his way through the courts with slaps on the wrist and the woman he beat remained under his spell. Most of the story was so-so, it was the last few minutes that were haunting. After the prosecution played their final card, the singer continued to lie in order to protect her abuser. After her court appearance, the abuser (whose initials were C.B.) whisked her off to a private yacht in the islands, as the police lamented their lack of control over what happens next. A detective said all they could do now was wait and when the DA asked what they were waiting for, the detective replied, "the inevitable". Sure enough, while on their pleasure cruise the tiniest of things set off the abuser. His phone went off as they were canoodling and she asked who it was. He flew into a rage. The final scene showed a vigil mourning the loss of the singer whose body was found in the islands, floating alongside the yacht. It was a chilling scene to watch because I couldn't help but think it was foreshadowing. We all know that abusers only escalate, especially when they are never held accountable for their actions. The real C.B. certainly hasn't manned up and been truly remorseful about anything. There is no reason to believe that he ever will. It could very well be something as minor as questioning a phone call that sends that relationship spiraling out of control (again). And she may very well survive the next time (and there WILL be a next time). But she also might not. And that's what's so sad and infuriating about the whole situation.