Thursday, February 14, 2013

At The Same Time I Wanna Hug You, I Wanna Wrap My Hands Around Your Neck

Karma is working at light speed amongst my peeps the past 24 hours.

Last night...

Friend: My brother came over. He's gonna take me to a shooting range in the next few days
Friend: I'm so excited
Friend: You ever fired a gun?
Me: Yeah, a long time ago
Friend: I haven't...only air rifles
Me: I'm curious to see what the death toll will be
Friend: Cops won't find me in no stinkin' cabin
Me: lol I'm totally claiming that reward once I call the hotline and say, "7-11"
Friend: Ooooh fuck you so hard
Friend: LOL I love you and I want to shake you
Me: lol you set 'em up, I'll knock 'em back every time
Friend: lol Dammit

This afternoon....

Friend: Did she have her kid with her?
Me: Yeah. He's so big. Somehow little dude remembered me. We played with his stuffed dinosaur and I chased him around.
Friend: Oh wow, he remembered? That's cute
Friend: You're gonna make a great dad someday
Me: LOL Fuck you
Friend: LMAO!! Totally. Worth. It.

And an honorable mention just because it's the best laugh I've had all week....

Me: We should work that typo about your mom into our telenovela
Friend: YES!
Me: *Darth Vader breath en espanol* I am your father
Friend: LOL How the hell would that sound in spanish?
Me: lol I'm not sure. Maybe he just holds a bottle of Tequila while he says that line
Me: I know!
Me: Cheech Marin plays Vader!
Friend: LOL. That'd be so great