Monday, February 18, 2013

Don't You Want Me Babu...Or Amo...Or Fuck You

I sat down to make a work call, something I get made fun of for all the time because I can do it in my pajamas if I so choose (tis one of the perks of working from home). Being that I am lazy, I went into my recent calls and messages and just tapped the number I was trying to call. Only...I didn't. Somehow, I'm still not sure exactly how, I tapped a different number and didn't realize it until about 15 seconds into the conversation. The other party said hello in a kind of shocked tone and I was confused as to why I wasn't hearing the voice I expected to. Finally, Mr. Mother Fucking Magoo looks at the caller ID and realizes he dialed a friend's number instead. Ain't old age grand? Anyway, these conversations later followed. Because anything and everything is fair game with my friends. Even dialing a wrong number.

It didn't start well....

Friend: LOL Oh yes
Me: LOL Wait. Damn phone IM

Then I went all Mr. T for a minute...

Friend: Blegh
Me: Blegh?
Friend: Yeah. Like yuck
Me: lol I know what it means fool
Me: I'm asking what you're saying it about
Friend: LOL Fool. I need to hear you say that on the phone
Friend: *Looks at the phone half expecting you to butt-dial me again*
Me: lol It wasn't a butt disk
Me: Dial
Friend: LOL Wait
Friend: What's a butt disk? Inquiring minds want to know!
Me: LOL I don't know. Dial corrected to disk
Friend: Is that similar to a plug?
Me: lol Fuck you
Friend: LOL Worth it
Friend: That was awesome
Me: lol Dammit it was
Friend: lol I never expect you to use profanity outright
Me: lol I never do. Unless provoked
Friend: lol You're like the angry honey badger

About an hour later...

Friend: Look at you all tech savvy
Me: lol Yet can't spell a damn thing right
Friend: lol It's not you. It's Steve Jobs.
Friend: Damn you Steve Jobs!!!!
Me: The man is dead
Me: lol Jeez
Friend: lol He does not deserve our mercy
Me: The man gave you an iPod. Which God later took away. After he stole every holy man you ever tried to corrupt. Misguided, your anger is.
Friend: Ouch Babu. Very ouch.
Me: LOL. Aaaaaaaand here comes the reprise
Me: Fuck you lol
Friend: LOL WHAT!
Me: Don't call me Babu
Friend: I will call you Babu if I damn well feel like it *pokes you in the chest*

And finally, autocorrect screws me over again...

Friend: Ohhhhh....I know what you mean with that double entendre *wiiiiink*
Me: Amo pice
Me: Wtf. Smoooove is what I typed
Friend: Who you callin' amo pice?
Friend: That's my SLAVE name!
Me: LMAO. Slave name
Me: I can't breathe
Friend: Hot damn I'm still laughing over here
Me: I'm guessing the A in your slave name is silent. Amo Pice Unchained
Friend: LOL! That was great