Saturday, February 9, 2013


Me: What's on the agenda today?
Friend: I just dedicated time to thinking up dirty dinosaur names
Friend: So I got that done...
Me: Now I wanna watch Jurassic Park
Friend: It's frightening in the dark
Me: It's gonna be in 3D this year
Me: I've never seen it in the theatre
Friend: Hmmm...I don't think I did either. I'm excited about it.
Me: Me too. We saw it at the drive-in. Which was foreskin terrifying
Me: LOL Freakin'. Freakin' terrifying. Good god iPhone
Friend: LOL That bad huh?
Me: Lol It may have been foreskin terrifying for someone but it definitely wasn't me
Friend: That. Was. Awesome.


Me: Well I would if she'd leave me alone
Friend: Women man...
Friend: Giuseppe, a woman is like a bus
Friend: You ride them til the end of the line and then you get your transfer
Me: LOL Wtf??
Friend: lol I heard it on Moesha. Only it was in reference to our gender
Me: lol So you managed to take one line from a show and bring down minorities and women all at the same time
Friend: LOL The shame