Friday, February 15, 2013

Mothers & Singletons

~ I adore my mother and have said as much on this blog before. A couple of my closest friends are also very close to their mothers and now that we're all entering our 30's, we're noticing some role reversals taking place. One friend recently had to cut off his mom from buying everything in creating from QVC by taking away her credit card. Another has to lecture her mom on a regular basis about leaving her house keys in the door, on the outside of the home. My mom acquired a smartphone this week and has spent nearly every evening texting me or calling me (when she can figure out how to do either) to ask how to use it. She's also had to be told by my sister not to use it during dinner - twice. Isn't it interesting when you become the parent? All your young life, mom tells you what you can and can't do and who you can do it with but now the tables have turned some. It's hilarious. I look forward to seeing mom and her new phone in action when I go home next month.

~ Speaking of moms, one of the friends mentioned above and I had a convo last night about Lent. Somehow, it snuck up on me this year and I decided to give up soda in a last minute decision I already kinda regret. The friend gave up junk food, her motivation being that her sister's wedding is coming up and she wants to be in better shape for the occasion. Two days in and her mom already tried to tempt her back to the dark side:

Friend: I love my mother...I just remembered she got me red velvet ice cream.
Friend: Which...I can't eat cuz I gave up shenanigans for Lent
Me: lol well in that case your mom is just cruel
Friend: And here I am thinking to share my edible arrangement with her. Hmph.
Me: The year I gave up ice cream, my mom went to Dairy Queen once a week
Friend: LOL She would
Me: I'm not even kidding. That woman is cold blooded lol
Friend: Our moms are probably in cahoots
Me: It sounds like my mom's been mentoring yours
Me: Mothers yo
Friend: Word to yours and mine

~ And saving the best for last...

You know how sometimes you come across people and you think, "Why are you still single?!". Yeah well, when you go to a singles mixer you can pretty much tell why everyone in the room is still single. How do I know this? Because I was dragged to my first singles mixer last night. And it. Was. LAME. My friend T has had a long stretch o' bad luck with the fellas and was asked by a mutual friend into doing this singles event yesterday. I was then brought in as some sort of bodyguard in case any of the dudes got handsy, something I fought tooth and nail. She said is she had to go, then I had to go too but we still fought it. Then T and I found out this was a rich folks mixer and away we all went. It turned out to be good for laughs, if nothing else. This older chick, maybe 44, came up and introduced herself to me and I did the same. After a few moments of awkward silence she asked, "So...[my name, which is one initial] do you spell that?". Really? No wonder these people are single, they got no game. Never again. NEVER. AGAIN.