Friday, February 22, 2013

Just What You Want To Be, You Will Be In The End

I remember hearing this song in the car with the family when I was a kid. I didn't listen to the words, all I caught was, "nights in white satin" and it confused me. I asked my mom what it was about and she said it was a song about nothing. I left it at that. Last year, I heard this song for the first time in at least a decade when I saw Tim Burton's "Dark Shadows" and immediately took a shine to it. I think part of the reason was that it worked perfectly in the sequence it was used in (also well utilized in that movie, The Carpenters "Top Of The World"), and was so unexpected. I ended up YouTubing the song, as well as a couple others from the movie, weeks later and decided to also look up the lyrics. I still have no idea what the song is about, but I like the lyrics and the song isn't too shabby either.