Friday, February 8, 2013

Put All Your Fears To Rest, Who Do I Love The Best

When my sister and I were kids, we begged our mother for a cassette player for our birthday (yes, a cassette player). Because our mom is awesome, she got us this little white radio with a single cassette deck and a strap so we could carry it around. The strap was totally 80's too; mint green and hot pink with some specks of black thrown in. And we took that sucker EVERYWHERE. being that we was poor, we only had a couple of tapes to play so we would alternate between them. I don't remember the other one, but the one that got the most play was The Jets debut album. I love this band and always have, but it's a little shocking how few people actually remember them, or have even heard of them. I think a lot of people recognize the songs but don't know who sings them, especially since their music is still widely played in various stores. They're also sometimes referred to as a one or two hit wonder but in reality they had quite a few hits. However this song was perhaps their biggest (it's a tie between this one and another song called "Make It Real", I encourage you to YouTube that and other songs by them). It's definitely my favorite song by The Jets and one of my favorite love songs of all time. Fun fact: the voice you hear on this track is of a 12-year-old. TWELVE. Now those are some chops. Fun fact numero dos: Rupert Holmes, better known as the writer/singer of "The Piña Colada Song", wrote this song. Enjoy.