Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Oh, Oh, Oh, It's Magic

My mom got a smartphone recently and she is slowly but surely learning how to use it. In hindsight, we should've gotten her an iPhone because the interface is a lot more first time user friendly than the Droid. But what's done is done. Yesterday over breakfast she says to me, she says, "I tried to get to YouTube for the first time on my phone". I was a bit taken aback but asked her how that went. She replied, "Well, I was looking for the video of that news anchor who got fired after cursing on air to see exactly what he said. But a bunch of people I didn't know popped up and then someone started talking so I closed it right away". Hilarious. I told her the next time she attempts to watch YouTube (or work anything on her phone, for that matter), she should make sure she turns the camera on first so we can all see the magic happen.

Then, there's G. Here is how he followed up yesterday's sexy birthday voicemail:

G: "I think your stripper name should be 'Sexual Chocolate'"
Me: "...But I'm not chocolate..."
G: "Ok well what's the Spanish equivalent of that?"
G: "I know! Your stripper name would be 'Sexual Piloncillo'!"
Me: "...No. Just no."
G: "Magic Mike Presents: Sexual Piloncillo for one night only!"
Me: "Did you actually see 'Magic Mike'?"
G: *blank stare* "I'm sorry, what?"