Monday, April 8, 2013

X Marks The Spot

My daughter turns five on Tuesday. My niece turns fourteen in a couple weeks. My sister and I turn...uh..."26" at the end of the month. What does all of this lead us to conclude? We need new toys. I'll soon be moving back into my apartment which means I'll have my own bedroom and my own bathroom and my own kitchen and my own living room and my own TV that I can hold the control to (in your face best friend!). Tres exciting. My sister has been flirting with getting the kids (and her boy toy) an Xbox for months now and she finally gave in last week. Lucky me, I happened to be home when it arrived and got to play along with everybody else. And I have to say it was mighty nifty. That Kinect contraption is some Star Trek stuff ya'll. I mean, it's not as cool as a replicator but it's still up there. You control everything with your body and your hands, even the main menu of the Xbox. And the big draw is that there are games for everyone; the bro-in-law and I played hockey (which doesn't use the Kinect, unfortunately), the older kids and adults played sports and the younger ones played animal-themes and Disney games. And thus, I decided that Miss N shall get an Xbox for her birthday. Now, I know what you're thinking (because everyone else in my life thought the same thing when I told them), but this is NOT a gift for daddy. Miss N fell in love with one of the animal games to the point where she didn't want to leave it behind when it was time for us to go (she kept her cool much better than me, I threw a tantrum when I had to leave hockey behind). We'll both get use out of this and the games geared towards her age are educational, which I like. Really, it's a birthday present for both of us. And it's not like it won't make me pay in the end. I played that game once for maybe an hour a few days ago and I am STILL sore in every part of my upper body. It's only a few years before Miss N is old enough to play those games herself, which means I'll be sore all over again, probably more so since I'll be an even older man by then. Can't wait.