Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The (Facebook) Battle For Equality

A few weeks ago I changed my Facebook profile picture to this:

I was unaware of the stir and confusion it would cause. Almost immediately after changing it, a friend commented about it. Two days later another friend commented about it. But the real hilarity kicked in this week when two latecomers to the Facebook party noticed the change. One had no idea what was going on and the other...well, might be blind. Read on.

G: Why is your Facebook pic Burt and Ernie?
Me: It has to do with the Supreme Court thing on gay marriage.
G: What's that?
Me: ...Gay marriage?
G: lol No fool, the court thing.
Me: They're deciding on whether gay marriage is going to be legal or not.
Me: Read a damn newspaper dude lol
G: lol I do! I just thought they ruled already
Me: And what did they rule exactly?
G: I don't know
Me: *sigh*
G: Don't give me the disappointed sigh. I'll change my picture too and then it'll look like I pay attention. I don't know why yours is Burt and Ernie though
Me: *sigh*
G: Shut up! lol
G: I'm gonna change my pic and then post some profound status update about how that decision will affect us all because it is a civil rights issue and shit. You just watch!
Me: LOL "Civil rights issue and shit" - says the Latin Martin Luther King
G: LMAO Damn right. My FB status will change the world.
Me: Heal the worllllllllddddd
G: LOL Fuck you.
Me: LOL. Don't you have a gay cousin who wants to marry his boyfriend should the domino fall the right way?
G: Oh sure. Throw that in my face now.


Friend: Who's that fat dude in your FB photo?
Me: ?
Friend: The fat kid in your main profile picture dude
Me: I have no idea what you're talking about dude
Friend: Look at your FB!
Me: Are you talking about the pic with a red background?
Friend: Yes! Duh
Friend: What?
Me: That's a picture of Burt and Ernie from Sesame Street. So I guess the fat kid would be Ernie.
Friend: LMAO. Woooooooow I am blind
Me: I don't even know how you did that...
Friend: Well I only glanced long enough to see the fat kid!
Friend: I thought the red background was an odd color choice.