Friday, April 12, 2013

Things Get Damaged, Things Get Broken

April is not a good month for me. At all. And it's not going well at the moment. But, as always, music is a refuge. I heard this song a few days ago and instantly liked it. And I can relate to it, a guy basically apologizing to his kids for the break-up of his marriage. Obviously I can relate to the effect that a break-up has a kid, although our daughter has never known her parents to be together. I've seen kids with divorced or broken up parents turn out hot messes with all kinds of issues. But I've known a number of others whose parents were civil and who grew up to be awesome people. They still feel the effects of the divorce in different ways, but it doesn't define them or infect their own romantic relationships. I genuinely hope Miss N grows up to be a part of the latter group.