Wednesday, June 5, 2013

But I'm A Grown Up

A friend of mine recently found herself attracted to a younger man and it's rendered her a little loopy. For a week now, she and I both have been trying to figure out what's this dude's deal is because he puts out all kindsa signs as if he likes her too but then he goes silent when she brings it up. This is only the second younger dude she's been attracted to (I was the first, but our difference is only a few years. This dude is 25.) and it's like she's unsure of how to deal with it. However, I have had a tremendous time hearing the details. Last week she told him she liked him and then all of a sudden he stopped looking her in the face, but still went out of his way to interact with her daughter. Finally, she gets the guts to tell him she'd be curious about pursuing something and this is the way it comes out: "So.. yeah... I like you... But I'm a grown up". What she was attempting to say was that even though she likes him, she doesn't need anything to happen between them right this second. Smoove. Very smoove. He seemed to be a good sport about it though, so we'll see how it goes.

And now, more stuff from the past day...

Friend: Mom says to me this morning as she hands me my lunch she says, "Do you need a note in here telling you how much I love you and that you're my favorite?"
Me: My mom told me to get out the way this morning
Friend: LOL Move bitch, get out the way, get out the way
Me: lol Pretty much

Upon hearing Ace Of Base's "All That She Wants"...

G: "Wow, I haven't heard this song in forever"
Me: "I used to think it was about a woman who stole babies"
Niece: Really?! Even I know what it's about 
Me: Hey! Baby napping was a serious problem in the 90's! You couldn't just buy one off the interwebs back then
Me: I bet I'm not the only one who thought that...
Bro-in-law: No, I'm sure there were a ton of other slow kids who thought the same thing 
Me: Thank you!