Friday, June 14, 2013

Do You Remember How It All Began, It Just Seemed Like Heaven, So Why Did It End

I love R&B music. I was obsessed with Ancient Egypt in the 90's. What do you get when you mix 90's R&B with Ancient Egypt? Michael Jackson's "Remember The Time" music video. With an Ancient Egypt theme, cameos by Iman (who's still hot and perfectly cast), Magic Johnson (who is rockin' that ancient guyliner) and Eddie Murphy (who would later go on to become, and voice, a jackass) and choreography by Fatima Robinson, "Remember The Time" is nine minutes and twenty seconds of awesomeness. The song was written and produced by Teddy Riley, adding even more 90's star power to the whole project. I used to have a VHS tape (yes, VHS tape) of all of MJ's videos up to the "Dangerous" era and I wore it out. They included everything I loved; music, actual storylines, and kick ass dance breaks. His videos were mini-movies, not just a video hastily thrown together to capitalize on the popularity of a song. I also wore out the "Dangerous" album, which is by far my favorite of his. But this song is the best one on that album. The opening notes instantly put me in a good mood every time and it's rare that I don't put in on repeat for a couple hours (at least) when I hear it.