Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fun With Foreigners (And One Native)

Me: I miss you!
Friend: I miss you too
Me: No you don't. You're having fun with your Jesus friends
Friend: You're right. I don't
Me: You really know how to bring a fella down
Friend: lol Sitcho ass down and back in yo place!
Me: lol Damn straight


A close friend of mine hails from Sweden and, although he speaks English and knows American slang pretty well, he still occasionally has some issues. A few years ago he was attempting to say that he didn't think someone was from Los Angeles and was actually a 'transplant'. But he got his words mixed up and ended up saying the person was an implant. We were all in a car at the time and it was so hysterical that we had to pull over for a minute. I love that man. Not long after that incident, I met another 'implant' who has a great grasp on American lingo (she's a teacher, she kinda has to) but has the occasional slip up. In college she had a fair amount of slip ups and a friend of hers dubbed these misses "foreigner exemptions". The expression caught on and now every time a foreigner confuses their words, we dub it an exemption. But it had been awhile since the reason for the creation of the term had an exemption of her own. And it was a glorious return. Fonz bless the foreigners!

Me: I don't think I could date older than like 28 now
Me: 38 lol
Friend: lol I was gonna say
Me: lol Yeah, I don't date 28
Me: That will be my campaign slogan when I run for prez. "Vote GC, He don't date 28!"
Friend: LOL
Friend: I can't believe I'm sweating a 25 yr old - lord ha' mercy!
Me: lol My how the mighty have fallen
Me: Dude don't feel bad, years ago I was almost sweating someone younger than 25
Friend: Seriously?! But don't they seem like babies??
Me: Oh for sure.
Friend: You're lucky it's so accepted for a dude to do that yo
Me: It's accepted for ya'll now too. I helped pioneer cougarism lol
Friend: Lol Did ya now
Me: lol I did. I was like the test monkey in the lab
Friend: lol All hail the mighty monkey!
Me: LOL mighty monkey
Friend: Slap it slap it good
Friend: lol Sorry I have NO idea what that was, I just snorted as I read it too lol
Me: LOL I was like um...I don't know what we're talking about now
Friend: Oh puhleez! You the king o' the gutter you so got it! lol
Me: All hail king gutter monkey!
Friend: LOL
Friend: Is it an expression? Slap that monkey? No?
Me: I think you mean spank the monkey
Friend: LOL
Friend: Yes!! That's what I meant. God I am so off my game!!
Me: lol And I believe that is what they call a 'foreigner exemption'
Friend: lol Indeed