Thursday, June 20, 2013

If I Didn't Know Better...But Dammit, I Do

Best Friend: How young do you think is too young to date?
Me: ...You know that anyone five minutes younger than me is too young for me. How young do you think is too young for you?
BF: I don't know...I think I may have done something bad...
Me: And what's his name?
BF: lol That's not important
G: Did you bed a younger man?!
A: Oh Lord...
R: Barely legal up in here
BF: Shut up lol
Me: So how young?
Me: ?? Is he old enough to drink? Old enough to drive? lol
G: LOL Can he legally vote?
A: LMAO The committee also would like to inquire as to whether he's old enough to ride his bike without training wheels
BF: LOL Fuck all of you.
R: LOL Training wheels. Shoot, I wanna know if his umbilical cord has been cut yet.
BF: I hate you
Me: LOL! These are all valid questions
BF: He's 23 *braces for criticism*
R: Whaaaaat?
G: Wait - 23 as in a DECADE your junior??
R: lol This would be just another day at the office if we were talking about Giuseppe
G: LOL It's funny cuz it's true!
Me: lol Yes. Yes it is.
BF: Scuse you, I am 31!!
Me: Til next week...
BF: At which time I will be 32
G: lol Oh excuse us, your highness. NINE years your junior.