Friday, June 7, 2013

These Be The Womensz In My Life

My mom took some leftovers from dinner last night to work for a friend. Then she texted me this:

Mom: [My friend] loved the pasta you made
Mom: She cleaned the bowl
Me: Damn. So then I guess she really liked it
Mom: Stupid phone put in bowling instead of bowl
Me: lol Welcome to autocorrect
Mom: First it suggested village. She cleaned the village.
Me: I don't think I've ever heard of anyone cleaning a village
Mom: I think the phone knows she's Mexican
Me: LOL It's smarter than we thought then
Mom: That is my fear


This one here is about to depart for an all-girls vacation in the Dominican Republic:

Her: "Honestly, I don't even wanna take my phone."
Her: "Like, what if it gets stolen or something? I think crime is ridiculous there. And especially for white people."
Me: "Then why are you going?"
Her: "For vacation!"

If only I could properly articulate the tone she said 'for vacation' in. It was an awesome, like 'duh' kinda tone.