Saturday, June 22, 2013

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Awhile back I was friendly with this chick who told everybody she knew every single detail of her life. We never dated, and I knew we never would since she couldn't stop running her mouth about crap. In the beginning, when she told me that she "couldn't help" but tell people everything I thought it was a joke. Most people who say that over-exaggerate it a bit and are actually able to keep a lot of things, important things, to themselves. But she was dead serious - she told everybody in her life anything and everything that happened. She was in the middle of a divorce when we met and wasn't shy about divulging all the details, including ones that should have been kept between the two of them. And I quickly learned that anything I told her would be spread all over town. She mentioned she'd had brain surgery when she was younger and I opened up about my own brain battles. The next day she tells me what her mother, father, cousin and friend all said about my accident. When I expressed that I wasn't thrilled about her telling everyone about my stuff, she reacted as if she had no idea why I would be upset. It was like she had no concept of keeping anything to herself. Everything that happened, every word or story relayed to her, she felt was hers to share with the world, no matter how personal. It was around the time I heard her say something about how she shared details of her sex life with her parents that I decided to make my exit. It was ridiculous how she could not keep her mouth shut about anything. For a minute I felt bad for her soon-to-be ex-husband but then I thought he must have known what he was getting into when he married her. But he still married her. Don't get it. I do not understand how you have a relationship with someone who tells the whole world intimate details of your life. How do you live with someone who divulges your secrets, insecurities and god knows what else to everyone they know? I couldn't do that.
The best friend is equally private when it comes to her...well, private life. Our little circle of friends knows everything about each other, but outside of that she only tells close family who she's dating and never talks about who she's just hooking up with. And so it was only us who knew about her dalliance with a 23-year-old dude this week. She told him that this was out of character for her and that she didn't want either of them to go blabbing to the masses about it, in case it ended up just being a one night stand. I think she wanted it to just be a one nighter so she didn't have to deal with it anymore. But he texted the next day and sweet talked her some more and she started thinking about actually dating him. But then he said something that completely put her off and made it easy to cut the cord. He told her he'd told all his college buddies about their hook up. Not only that, but he also phrased it in this way:, "I hooked up with an old lady last night". Whilst we all found the statement hilarious (except her, of course), we were equally as appalled by him telling every detail of the night to his friends (oh, AND their girlfriends). And we got to thinking that maybe it's a generational thing? Maybe it's that whole social media craze that has people divulging every detail of every move? I don't know. I think it's safe to say that has something to do with it in his case, but I think the chick I dealt with was just an oversharer. She was older than me so that can't be a generational issue. But damn, this whole thing reminded me how old I am. I remember age 23 like it was yesterday when in reality it was almost a DECADE ago! Damn college kids.