Friday, June 28, 2013

I Really Think It's Just A Matter Of Tiiiiiime

My best friend turned 32 years young this week. I've known her all 32 of those years and we have had some times. When we were kids, she and my sister (and most of my female cousins) were obsessed with New Kids On The Block. We're talking every album on repeat, merchandise galore and money shelled out for Pay-Per-View concerts ('member those?). It was ridiculous. My mom, saint that she is, decided to get the best friend and sister each their own set of NKOTB dolls (oh yes, there were dolls) for Christmas one year. She found four of the five but the last one was sold out everywhere she went. And, of course, it just happened to be the one that they both idolized (imagine that, they both fancied the gay one). She went to no fewer than eight stores the week of Christmas to try and find the damn thing. She finally got one on Christmas Eve, but could only find the one. The best friend's mom suggested they share it and they passed that little dude around until the new year. Then on New Year's Day they get into a fight over who has custody and his head pops off and rolls across the street. The moms were thrilled. The best friend and sister were grounded (I also eventually got grounded for making fun of one was left unscathed by the great NKOTB incident). In honor of the best friend's birthday, I let her choose this week's blog song. And I was shocked - shocked - when she requested her favorite NKOTB song. Happy Birthday!