Friday, June 7, 2013

In A World That's Breaking, Where Nothing Is For Keeps, This Is Us, This Is Love And This Is Where I Sleep

So there's this chick I dig. She's awesome. She loves 90's music and can match me in deciphering just about every song from the era. She's witty and can dish out some smartassness with the best of them. She loves coffee. She can be adorably absentminded sometimes. She calls me on my crap. She laughs at my (bad) jokes. She appreciates my nerdiness because she's a nerd herself. She's warm. She's caring. She's disturbingly competitive and has an OOC (out of control) shopping addiction. She makes everything better. And she doesn't care. She doesn't care about my past, or my flaws (and there are many). She knows all about my demons and helps me keep them in check, but does not judge me or think less of me when they occasionally win. She reckons no one can love me the way she does. She has a beautiful heart. And hopefully she knows how much she is adored. Hopefully she knows that her laugh lights up the world. Hopefully she knows that, although it may take some of us longer to learn how to be good partners, we're still willing to try our best to get there. And hopefully she always remembers how much she is wanted, needed and appreciated.