Saturday, November 2, 2013

And I Miss You, Without You I Just Don't Fit In

This week's song will include one of those sappy, dad kinda posts so feel free to skip down (or skip altogether) if you're not into that stuff. I've had a pretty great time with my family this week. These people are crazy but I'm so incredibly thankful for them. Where else can I have convos like this:

Cousin: "By the way, I'm bringing M to Thanksgiving this year."
Me: *Sigh*
Cousin: "What?"
Me: "I didn't say anything!"
Cousin: "I heard your sigh. You don't like him?"
Me: "I love him. I just think y'all are fast becoming the Whitney and Bobby of the homosexual world."

Or this:

Bro-In-Law: "You could be a cowboy for Halloween."
Cousin: "OMG, you should be a gay cowboy and we can go trolling gay bars!!"
Me: "...Why would two straight people, one of them married, go trolling gay bars?"
Cousin: "Yeah, once the words left my mouth I realized how it sounded."
[awkward silence]
Bro-In-Law: "...Well, I say y'all go turn some trannys anyway."

Ah, family. I've had a blast with everyone but the highlight has been how much time I've been able to spend with my niece. Her birth made me an uncle for the first time and in a lot of ways it changed my life. I adore all of my nieces and nephews of course. But there is a bit of a special bond between S and me. She's my buddy. I still can't believe she's 14 now. Time just flies. She reminds me of both of her parents more and more everyday. She looks like her mom, has her father's eyes and has inherited the family gene of creativity and love of music (fortunately, she has not inherited the other family gene of stubbornness). She was into playing sports for a long time but the last year or so her attention has been planted on all things musical. My sister is a brilliant piano player and S has been learning how to play for years. She's to the point now where she can outplay all of us. She writes too. And she studies music almost obsessively. Basically, she's awesome. If Miss N turns out half as well-rounded and smart as S, then the ex and I will have done our job. I can't even express how proud I am of her. She's just a great kid. And might I add, her musical taste is fantastic. She loves oldies, she loves 90's, she loves Broadway, she loves old and new country, she loathes 80's. She's the one who tells me what I should and should not listen to when it comes to current music. This has been her jam o' the week. She likes Hunter Hayes and Jason Mraz. I like Jason Mraz and have heard maybe two Hunter Hayes songs. But I have to admit this is a catchy little tune and it's got some humor to it, as most Mraz songs do (although he didn't write this one). This week the blog goes a little bit country, ya'll (but really, it's pop).