Friday, November 8, 2013

Every Ball Needs A Chain sister and her longtime love were supposed to get hitched on their 15th anniversary, which was this year. But they both chickened out months before it was to become official. I wasn't surprised since they've done this dance before. But the kids, 14, 11 and 6, are starting to ask, "why not?". And they have no good answer. I mean, he does. His parents were the type who never should've been married in the first place, stayed together for the kids and then had a hellish divorce/custody battle that scarred all three of their kids for life. None have been married, and the other two have had commitment issues (and all are now in their 30's). That's why her boy toy doesn't want to tie the knot. But the sister really has no legit reservations about it. She accepted his proposal eons ago but turned down his "lets elope" idea awhile back because she wasn't convinced he wouldn't freak out at the altar. She thinks he's ready for the plunge now though. And I kinda think he is too. He's talked more about it lately and less about his neuroses. My sister, in her infinite wisdom, asked me to talk to him about the subject and go on a fishing expedition of sorts. Me. The king of the anti-marriage movement. The sworn enemy of marital bliss. Yeah...I've yet to have that talk and have zero idea what I'd say anyway. Enter Kelly Clarkson. Pandora played one of her songs the other day whilst I was thinking about all of this. And it fits the situation perfectly. Good luck, kids!