Saturday, November 23, 2013

Spends Quality Time With His Kids...When He Can

This song has so many versions that I'm not even sure the one posted below was the one I like. The version on the music channels on TV plays a version that really downplays En Vogue's part in the song. Almost as if someone thought, "Meh, no one really cared for them on this song so let's just turn down the volume on the choruses". The radio version cuts and pastes so much that the song ends up not being all that good. And yesterday Pandora played a version I'd never heard before that faded out and in about six times. I like the video version so that's what I'm going with here. I remember the epicness of this song when it came out and even back then certain lines cracked me up. She acknowledges that men are hos but she's accepting of it because he does it on the down low. She also acknowledges that ain't nobody perfect yet this dude who cheats deserves props for...somethin'. Meanwhile, Pepa, always my favorite of the trio, thinks her man be all that because he buys her (what I'm sure are 'spensive) gifts all the time. But without question my favorite is, "Spends quality time with his kids when he can". It's like it glorifies the dude's occasional visits to his kids with that other chick who birthed them. But then, it was the 90's and a dude spending quality time with his kids when he could was, sadly, not as prevalent as it should've been. Here's to spending as little time as possible with my kids this weekend!